— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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15 years ago I drove some muddy train to Peter, there was an unnecessary empty coupe car in the composition (they were driven from the train to the train, I don't know the subtleties), well, it was sold by dirty conductors along the way of the place ("pay a little and you will already go in the coupe together"). My friend and I went to work, and we had only a couple of beer with us. In the “pirate” car, the conductor (also aged 45-48) quickly arranged vodka and a small snack. Of course, with a price, but not very high. After a kind conversation, she even allowed to smoke inside the coupe (in the window). Whether it was the first or the last, I don’t remember. Probably the last. Well, we go for fun, the guide with us a beer drunk, and says - well, say, boys like kings you go, thanks to me? And we are like that, well, with some irony, "yes, chic-glitter, if there were more girls here more fun." “Well well! I know,” he said and left. We cried, but did not take it seriously. After 20 minutes, she returns and says, "That's happened, but I can be a girl.

Our response is: * And the aunt is such, not to chew, but scary - with golden fixes, well, it is clear by speech that from the north, or even sitting in her youth.

I say no, thank you. You offended a short aunt, and then suddenly a child in a sports suit comes and hints that you can not smoke and complain about you.

Well, on the other hand, the two did not go to the bull, but they drove to Peter on the streets and just didn't sleep (the hell knows what a "mafia" in this cheerful brigade), hiding from the sin of values and listening sensibly to the steps in the corridor.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna