— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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"Sani had an ordinary young family.
It was a poor, but rather bright and spacious apartment, with normal repairs and furniture.
There were even attractions, for future children, and what to say, for Sani too. There was a runway and Swedish walls.
Sanya worked at home and tried to get the maximum profit, bringing joy and pleasure to people. His wife helped him in this, to the extent of her ability.
There was food for everyone and always. My relationship with my wife was warm and normal. She temporarily did not work and was engaged in the arrangement of the home nest.
Then my wife became pregnant. Then I gave birth. The Four!
On the occasion of the birth there were many guests, everyone wanted to see, touch the newborns.
After the guests left, Sani’s wife killed all the children. It suffocated. and bite.
Sanna killed her wife.
Because Sanya was a hammer."

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna