— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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To the story of May 17 about communication in English at a bakery in Peter.

On the contrary, I live in the USA. I walk somewhere in the street in Houston, I look at a small garden like that, right in the center of the city, and immediately a black farmer stands and sells the products from this garden: tomatoes, greens... In America, as you know, there is nothing to eat, all the food is brought for thousands of miles processed and packaged, and here - directly from the garden. I approach, and I hear a leaving buyer throwing in Russian: “Goodbye.” I looked, because there was no one else there, and answered in every case, “Goodbye.” Here this black farmer asks me:
Do you speak Russian?
I stumbled on him:
Do you speak Russian?
The Negro, clearly enjoying the situation:
What is this! He speaks Russian and you speak, and I speak Russian too!

This is the negative story in Peter.
After talking a little with me, the Negro split up: he is a refugee from the Congo and lived for some time in the Moscow region. And Houston has a program to help refugees when they are temporarily given unused land in Houston under a garden and taught how to grow vegetables. Refugees have income, citizens have the opportunity to buy cheap and fresh vegetables, and instead of shameless deserts - gardens.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna