— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The famous nuclear physicist Hariton said that he was asked about his military rank and whether he is registered in the military command. But since then the military rank – and he was at that time already the head of Arzamas-16, that is, the Soviet nuclear center, and all these army subordination things happened somehow automatically, he knew nothing about it.

And here is Yuli Borisovich Hariton, being a very responsible man, with clear ears, in a beret, such a little-small, came to the military commissariat at the place of the check-in in Moscow. He came, cluttered – there is a healthier captain, who at this moment speaks on the phone with his beloved, discussing, therefore, her knees and ass, and who, when he saw the little Chariton in this barrel, said: you guess, sit, grandfather, sit.

Hariton waited 10 minutes and finally said again that, you know, I should know what grade I am and whether I am registered. They said, “You’ve been told to wait, right?” Harrison waited patiently. Finally, 40 minutes passed, and the captain compelled to move his body there to the archive and the archive. And then, Hariton tells me, I heard strange sounds. I heard something fell, then I heard a thunder. Within a few minutes, the white-coated chief of the military commando, a completely white captain, came out to me – they all had their hands attached to the whiskers. They that he was in the rank: “Comrade General!” Moreover, Hariton himself told this without special emotions, since he did not give importance to such little things.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna