— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Lirriella: It would be great to be able to move at the speed of thought... I would like to visit so many places.
L: I think I’t have stood up and definitely trod the earth’s scientists )) Signal there on the Morse alphabet in English with the alpha centurion to send, etc.)
Andrey: They would have had enough hit (Better in Russian)
L: Yes, maybe... From my English they’d hit enough.)
Andrey: "Hello Let’s get to know you"
L: "How do you do it?"
A: "M or J"
L: "What are you doing? Have you got a picture?")
A: "Do you want me to follow you on my starlight?"
L: Or not, better "I look after you, earthman!"
L: I know what you did last summer"
A: "Do you have club norms to extinguish?"
L: It would not be bad to create an intrigue.)
" All the attention! This is very important! The question of life and death, time is very little! We discovered that very soon our universe..."
And all, and to keep quiet.)
A: I forgot to add a shock!
L: And in a couple of months, when all the telescopes of the earth will be directed to the source of the signal, add: "cargo transportation throughout the universe, inexpensive, we accept visa cards and mastercards"
L: "additional services - replacement of tires on the Mars rover, transportation of vehicles to the solar side of the comet"
L: "selfie with planets, stars, black holes"

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna