— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The case was in 2009, I was studying at the university, and like many students I worked here and there. We had in the city a kind of street labour exchange - a "femach", where those who wanted to work could find a employer for a day, covered this exchange like some thieves in the law, respectively, for each hired worker the employer paid 200 r in "common price". The work was of various kinds, mostly bring-give, bite, and so on.

One day, my friend and I got into a pit under the foundation of a fire ladder in one of the city’s hospitals. We worked together, the size of the pit was 1, 5m * 3m with a depth of 1, 5m, for this we agreed to get 2, 5 tr, only clarified that the money immediately after the work, as they often threw "tomorrow-aftermorrow" and disappeared from the radars. We dug from the morning until late evening, it seemed never to end, the customer came to look, praised the saying, "young guys, so quickly managed, after tomorrow will come concrete workers, we will pour." When asked about the payment, he made an unhappy face and cut off, “Tomorrow, I’ll be here for lunch, come.” Fuck, it started, again fucking brains, but nothing to do, tomorrow so tomorrow. We come the next day, he is not there, they called the phone did not take, then after long attempts to call, he took the phone and replied dissatisfied "fuck with your money, come in a week." My friend and I burned a little, looked around the scarf in which was a tool "will we work a little more?" and began to bury this hole together with removable plywood and armor, simultaneously mixing the soil with boards and other garbage around. There was no worker at the facility, and the staff of the hospital whispered who was there and what was digging or buriing. The next day, at eight o’clock in the morning, we went to the hospital, and from the windows on the second floor, we watched the man running with his eyes cleared and mouthwashing, and the car with the cement stood next to him. There were calls from him on the phone, but we did not take the phone, we just watched him spread his hands. This continued for two hours, then there was a quarrel with the concrete workers, they left in the place with a mixer.

Was it worth it? Definitely!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna