— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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You’re talking about Linux, the server, and the hard days of the sapport... And I’m happy to agree to help one wretched woman (a great specialist in her field!) Find out on Windows 10. Types of windows incomprehensible pops up, well, I think in a couple of hours I'll fix it. I came in and just fell into the precipitation - it turned out to be PAPKI. The usual files. She never in her life sat behind the comp, only because of someone else's shoulder saw, and then bought a notepad on the 10th! Well, we learned with her to click the mouse, print the letters in the notebook...In 5 hours we learned the right and left buttons, created a whole of three folders and two txt))) Peter, by the way, we live in, and she is a very nice person. She said that her son was unable to teach her azam — patience was not enough — so she called me. Surprisingly close by. All are good!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna