— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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NoRegrets: I totally agree with you. And I wanted to suggest considering another vector of attack. In every apartment there is a washing machine. And you probably already know that in general, nobody knows how it works. Even the specialists who developed it, I’m sure, were narrow specialists – one was responsible for the soft, the other for the iron, the third for the engine, the fourth for the design. No one knows how the washing machine works. What about ordinary housewives?
You probably know that the washing machine is connected to the network of 220 volts and can swing up to 1000 twists per minute, which means it is an apparatus of increased danger. And they’ll get smarter with every new model. There are no laws regulating the work of washing machines, that is, in our country they are outside the legal field. Soon we may face various technogenic incidents associated with the lack of legal regulation of the turnover of washing machines, of various scales, up to the uprising of the army of washing machines. I believe it is necessary to bring together a worldwide consilium of specialists of different profiles to discuss this issue before it is too late.

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