The Brain Ring. The host asks the question: "Reproduce the song of the rachi" (note: "the song of the rachi" is another name for the palindrome, that is, a phrase that is read from both sides equally, like "Argentina manit negra"). A friend points his finger to the captain. He is the first to press the key and pass the word to the friend. And the Friend is sitting red like cancer, opened his eyes and... silent.
The host: “I asked to sound “Rach’s song” and not to portray cancer! “” He explains about the palindrome.
In short, the point is lost.
After the game, Friends ask, say, Sasha, how did you do so? And he answers that he knew the answer, precisely about the palindrome, but he could not sound. And you know why? Because the only palindrome that Friend recalled sounds very disgraceful: "I was fucking weak."