— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Usually the problem of friends just is that the girls just directly and precisely say that they do not want (in the event that the friends ask, and not silence the partisans in the eternal hope that she will guess herself, take on the pencil and take it to the stake herself). He tells them, but they do not hear. The boy's ears are blurred on the topic of "rejection - this is such coquetry, be more persistent", "that the women themselves don't know what they want, don't pay attention to what she says there."
Remember the classic. Chatzky (the smartest character in his story, by the way) SEE ALL the story is trying to get rid of him, avoided, he clearly sees (and himself notes) signs of Sophia's indifference to the secretary - and, nevertheless, in the end inspired hysteria on the topic of his very hope engaged "and "pride rvet" relationships that only in his fantasies and existed.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna