— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Once I came home to my girlfriend, like waiting for her to dress up to go for a walk with her. By the way, I was at her home for the first time. She left me alone in the room and went to another room to do a marathon. I stand, look and see a round aquarium. I thought good fish and came closer. I look and there on a bunch of algae lies an orange frog, I have never seen it. At first I thought it was a butaphoric, for beauty it lies there. I came and decided to touch her. As soon as I touched her, she jumped and grabbed my finger. I just wept out of surprise, knocked my hand, and the frog flew somewhere under the couch. Give up my condition. I rushed under the couch to get this creature, and the girl from the neighboring room says, “I’m almost ready. Which as I grabbed this slippery shit and put it back in place. No one was hurt. Then in the conversation, I cautiously experienced that this frog was her dad’s favorite creature, and he feeds her with pincet meat.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna