— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The decision about abortion is made by a person who just does not want children yet, but does not do anything in advance so that these same children do not appear in him (from my point of view, the child appears at the time of conception). A man does not use barriers, the achievements of pharmacology or medicine, does not assess the risks of the "calendar method" and interrupted sexual intercourse.

Little girl, you look like an adult and even seem literate. You seem to. Because you do not know that there is NO 100% reliable contraception, except for complete abstinence. Some do not even help hormone pills; it is not "forgotten to take it in time", it is a constant careful reception - and suddenly pregnancy. How many pregnant with "absolutely reliable" spirals, ask gynecologists about it. In the "barrier methods" there are microcrackers. In short, the effectiveness of almost all means depends heavily on a woman’s fertility. If fertility is reduced (like yours), then any remedy is good. And if raised... practice complete abstinence, become a heroine mother, or do abortions. The choice is really sad; I do not envy such women, especially when you like them actively water them with shit for their fault, but trouble.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna