— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Situation: My girlfriend and I are Russian citizens, but we are both currently in Germany and we want to shape our relationship. It would seem, you collect documents, go to the nearest consulate - profit. But it’s not all that easy when a Russian official enters the game.

In fact, below is a reference to the telephone conversation with the "servant of the people" from the consulate in Leipzig.

Hello, we would like to sign up with you. What is needed for this?

Q: I don’t think you will succeed.

We are: Why? O_O

We don’t have Las Vegas!

We: Em...But it’s a normal service for the consulate. You even have a section of ZAGS on the site.

You don’t hold me here! Government officials don’t talk like that.

He dropped the phone.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna