— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Dear Users!
When applying for technical support, remember – we are absolutely not interested in:
Your brother/svat/son/neighbor also works with Sisadmin.
You could solve this problem yourself, but you don’t have the time right now.
There is nothing complicated in the problem you describe.
All problems we solve are simple and very similar.
- you very / very very / extremely needed to do a mega project with a six-month deadline for yesterday, but here "something happened to the computer"
Your computer that broke down on Friday night needs to be repaired on Monday morning.
In your past job you have done it much better.
- and the salary of the Sysadmin there was much lower;
- in the past work the buttons and inscriptions on the screen were not there and not the size, and we do not understand anything;

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna