— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I cannot go past this:
This is what an adult must do, this is his interests - earning money and caring for the family.

When they say "must", the correct question is "who?". In this case, making money and caring for the family is a biological program that works for the benefit of the species of Homo Sapiens. Once you realize this, you will begin to share the satisfaction of natural instincts and getting pleasure personally for yourself. Both are important and necessary, but each person has his own balance. The spectrum is wide: from persuaded single and Child-Free to large families.
In animals, the main thing is the preservation of the species, the individual is secondary. A person who is aware of himself has a greater personal weight. Everyone has the right to live a life for themselves, regardless of family and children. If Homo Sapiens goes extinct, it’s not that.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna