— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Now it is fashionable to call love and care "manipulation". Divorced type-psychologists and other pseudo-scientific figurines of the same type of sociology.

and UGU-UGU I also fell into this Stockholm syndrome for 2 years. In those two years I learned that no matter what I did, I could never please.
For example, I need to work in the garden. This is our common garden. But to live in a house around which garden I have no right, because it is her home and I should not interfere with her.

My mom doesn’t even tell me she needs help. It throws the abstract "should be done". And here are two options: if you do, then "that you lie down, I didn’t ask" and if you don’t "t do, you don’t help". No thank you.

Manipulation is a psychological influence on someone in order to arouse intentions that do not coincide with his real existing desires, goals.

You don’t need to be a psychologist to compare the description of a person’s behavior and the description of a concept. I hope they will love you too.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna