— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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My mother came from a small village, in her youth moved to the big city, where I got married and where I was born.In my childhood we often went to my grandmother on vacation, but when I was 13, they suddenly stopped. I recently asked my mom what happened. It turns out that her best friend, who remained in that village, had a son about the same age as me, and when I was born this aunt decided that we should definitely get married to her baby and leave to us town. Mom then laughed, but in the year of my 13-year-old girlfriend again raised the question and quite seriously, such as "you promised us." On my mother's refusal was issued a brilliant plan "well then our Grishka will rape your Tanka and you will not go anywhere" 0_0

My mother decided not to risk.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna