— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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No real woman dreamed of getting a shirt and collar as a gift. If a man spends on a shirt-collar, then he is deeply offended by the interests of his wife, but he obviously wants to squeeze the wallet, so he is harassed by a saleswoman (she is also a woman should definitely know better what the absolutely unfamiliar aunt wants than her aunt's husband, not one year living together, ah), the saleswoman, of course, will like it even more popy, but not popy on a "to suck more expensive and that is less likely to buy consciously" - accordingly, and suck. At the age of fifty before men finally come to the conclusion that a real woman may be more likely to want a screwdriver, gravy, or a new aquarium hose on the DR. Some people say this directly before, but it comes into effect "something is not accepted / unspontaneous, probably cuddling!" and as a result, again sellers of flower crowns and jewellery cheerfully rub their feet.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna