— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The conversation went on about GMOs... The topic is overwhelming, but this time they decided to smash Petrovich. He was half a day, so he had a chance to listen to fairy nonsense... But it didn’t happen at all.

Are you afraid to eat GMO?
In other words, you are not always afraid of it.
How is it?
At night in the forest, for example, you should not be afraid of animals, but of people. understandably?
How about GMOs?
If I eat a sandwich with salmon, should I be afraid if all these proteins are mixed in modified wheat? But the very fact that people have thought about this before, you have to be afraid.
Why is?
Well, I’m here with you, Sysadmin, I’m programming a little. DNA is the same program, only written with an unknown code. And biologists like hackers are trying to hack. I just changed the code and saw what happened. Now I began to think about what. But the means of programming on DNA are not yet available, so they are essentially the same hackers. It will take a dozen or two years and the DNA will break completely. Programming tools will be written. Type C++ or AutoCAD. He introduced the characteristics of the organism – the computer has dried up – here is your DNA. And the 3D printer will print the embryo of this case. A pink elephant on her birthday. This is where the humor begins. The ants that bite with sinic acid, organisms with counters - such as the twentieth generation of nursery cats suddenly generates metric cockroaches-man-eating, wheat that gives only one harvest. But instincts can be prescribed in the genes. Wolves who want to come to a certain region and cut people out there. They have the same instinct. I don’t talk about bacteria and viruses. And it turns out that GMO safety is a matter of decency and ethics. When did people suffer decently? This is what is terrible... People should be afraid, not the crap.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna