— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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(The Thoughts of Fantasy)

xxx> Blind, in the army somewhat on the hand of debris failed. The nail was pulled out. It is unforgettable :(
yyy> here’s the same fucking thing happened to my leg) where it all started. I think, and I’ll try to find out what’s there. Hell pain and bleeding. A leak patch with cotton was glued, but the nifiga, in a week, scattered everything around. I had to go to the surgeon yesterday.
zzz> * remembers melancholy how she cut off half of her nail plate. On the left finger of the big leg.
The left thumb of the big foot is much more terrifying than the right thumb of the small foot, our alien fellow!
xxx> The main thing is that the suction on the tints do not hurt.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna