— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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What fantasies and dreams did you have as a child?
WOW: I imagined how a math teacher for the next “double” right at the whole class throws me over the knee and slaps me for a long time with such a long wooden line. Even specifically sometimes tried to blame himself, and when the father was raising, he represented Lydia Evgenievna in his place.
Zzz: And I dreamed that Tanka from the neighboring apartment would go out to the balcony to hang her underwear (of course, naked) and accidentally block the door behind her, and I would save her for a small reward of nature.
aaa: I had an imaginary girlfriend who always painted me out loud how people around me look under clothes. She was speaking, and I was presenting.
xxx: Oh you... I was dreaming of getting a notification in our mailbox about sending a message on my name. I’ll run to the post office and I’ll be handed a huge box with the designer.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna