— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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He got up early in the morning, went to the market and bought fresh lambs. The seller praised his meat, chose to look not very fat, and asked to break it into pieces. Cut, weighed, the butcher placed a small piece of meat in a barrel to round the amount. I go home. In the car, I felt a strange smell, but since my nose was stuck, I thought the smell was melting. Pulling the meat on the table in the kitchen, the wife says that the meat with the smell (worn out).

We begin to collect the pieces in a bag to bring it back, and here I notice that on the piece that I was placed in the blinds, the larvae of the shrimp bleach. Going to the market:

Have you sold meat?

Well I am.

It has a smell!

Can not be!

Well smell it.

It starts smelling meat.

Normal smell is the smell of meat.

and yes? What about the worms on it?

Where are they?

And so are they.

A A is it? So these are not worms, they are just larvae, if they bother you, now I will put them on you!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna