— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Hi, I want to tell you a fairy story that caused my hysteria. I work at a construction site, the position I have is something like the head of the construction site, without a fierce stress resistance and a lot of humour ***** for a long time to last on it is not possible in principle.

History of:

by Gene Dir. Once he asked us to hang a camera to see who is coming and who is leaving. is done.

A couple of months have passed, he comes today and tells me that I need to view all the records and make a list for each employee with a time indication.

Naturally, I tell him that this work is at least for a week, the camera hangs at a distance of 20 meters from the entrance and it is not possible to find out each of the 46 people in principle (who is in the cap, who is in the cap, and beyond our employees at the building another 200 people)

Here he publishes:

Write a program to recognize faces.

Hysterics in the whole office, the explanation that over this problem are beating 10 if not hundreds of programmers did not help...

Imho, concluded: Everyone came and went on time.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna