— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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And when your child's hand is ripped off with a Chinese petard, don't worry - it's absolutely normal for a normal country with normal people.

Yes, it is normal. Each child must be raised by himself. Without transferring responsibility to kindergarten, school and the sinister Internet. If the child is small, only the parent is to blame for something dangerous in his hands. If a child is a teenager, only the parent is to blame for not instilling him a little sense of self-preservation from early childhood. Everything can’t be forbidden, dear parents. And constantly monitoring the already grown offspring is also impossible. Therefore, teach, teach and teach while they are still ready to listen to you. Years by 15 will be too late, it will only be left to say that this horrendous site has not been closed, so the child suffered (and not because of his own naivety, carefully raised and preserved by his parents).

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna