— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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From the life of a mother.
It was a city celebration. We walked with almost the whole family (I, my husband and six children – the eldest daughter at the time was studying in another city).
I met a friend – a real Jewish woman (as I thought – visiting the synagogue, celebrating holidays, but not eating :))
She walked with her mother and only daughter for 20 years (with a man not very lucky - but this is now, unfortunately, not uncommon).
We greeted, exchanged kindness, good, my friend's mother is working in medicine, and off-site I knew a lot of fairy tales from her life.
So, hopefully, a friend told me: “My mom was carrying my brain for a day: “Look at what a decent Jewish woman should look like! Husband, children and a shirt. They walk together! And you?The girlfriend weakly replied, “Mommy, Buy! She is Orthodox!” to which her mother replied unwaveringly: “Nothing terrible, it sometimes happens!!“!”
Ryu second day, thank you for the mood of the entire Jewish diaspora of the Tyumen region!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna