— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The child is the main project in the life of the mother. If you do not agree with this - do not become mothers, do not break the life of yourself and the child. Live as you lived - walk, have fun, develop spiritually and physically, know the world and the people around you.

I could have agreed even at the beginning.
But the finger! Why again extreme and striking on past life and career? To develop spiritually and physically is precisely necessary by having a child to do this together with the child. There is no spiritual development in a vacuum. The world and the surrounding people are only more interesting to know with children, they still have a fresh look, as a parent and you will know things from a new side.
It is sad just when the whole world is concentrated on the child without providing the environment and themselves, when parents put their own lives on pause - with such parents, children have nothing to take into their future world. They only see a forever missing mom and a forever missing dad.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna