— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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In order of:

They had a database with the information needed for us in Excel (because the management refused to enter this data into the corporate system).

If the management doesn’t need it, it won’t get it.

Take the vessels/confets/pictures/figures that were originally brought to work to free the house from unnecessary garbage.

Do you think we should leave our things in the office? And the office, with which the tension, accidentally bought not on its blood?

We, your colleagues, have never done anything wrong to you, we honestly performed our part of work, helped you as much as we could, covered you when it was necessary.

Now you are former colleagues. That is all. You are not friends, you are not good acquaintances. You are nobody. Shame on your opinion. Who told you that you liked the dismissed?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna