— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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In the fifth grade, a new one came to us. He was 2 heads above the highest classmate and 3 times thicker than the fatest student in school. In addition, he was quiet and unhealthy, no one named him, he was immediately named Pune (abbreviated from his surname).

He immediately became a subject of ridicule. Everyone took sandwiches with them to school, and Pune's parents gave him a bowl of borsch, strawberries and cocktails, all of which he ate on the shift, too tired.

And immediately he became the number one target for the whole school hops, and he got to go to a class where almost all the boys were hops. To hang Pune a delicious handcuff, to hit his back with his legs (three to drop, one such was not able to), just to push, spit, spit, take out the bag and spread the notebook along the corridor, - all this became the usual fun for school hooligans, this is a daily ritual.

Gradually, those who are not inclined to violence have also joined the game. After all, it is so funny: you pin an elephant, and he is silent and patient.

And Punya endured these bullying for 5 years, and then, probably, something broke in him, one day such people break through.

The first came to the noble hooligan Talure. Talura went to school with a plastic diplomat (like many then). One day, going through school, Talura used to hit a thick blade passing past Pune and wanted, as usual, to go further, waving a diplomat, but suddenly from behind he heard a whisper: "I will kill!" When he returned, he saw a furious Punch carrying on him with a face shattered by anger. The spectacle was so terrible and unexpected that Talura turned and rushed away with all his feet. He was low in height, he had to lavish among the schoolchildren, and from Puni, in horror, everyone scattered to the sides and clamped to the walls. Realizing that the diplomat was hindering his advancement, Talura threw him aside. The diplomat jumped away from the wall and slipped into the middle of the corridor right under the foot of the runner-back Pune. The Chrus! The 46th-size shoe broke a fine hole in plastic the size of the entire diplomat, and Punyah did not even notice the interference, continuing to run.

From the murder, Taluru was saved by a teacher, so this story remained a funny episode in the memory of the schoolgirl, which played a wicked joke with Denis.

Denis was one of those who joined the humiliation later, he was of medium height and normal shape. Having suspended Pune's duty counterpart, Denis was indisputably surprised when he, in response, pressed to the wall with a light movement of his hand.
What are you, fucking shit? Pythagoras wanted it? Dennis was out.
Well, let it go.
After school in the stadium you fuck!

After school, a group of approximately 20 hooligans surrounded Puny and accompanied him to the stadium, encouraging Denisku along the way.“You hear, fat, you are a shit.” At the stadium, they were taken in the ring (so that Punya would not escape) and a fight began. Denis ran to Pune, tried to strike him and immediately jumped away, while demonstrating the strikes of the foot in the air, in the jump, from the turn. Punya just went to Denis, the rare Denisova strikes, reaching the goal, did not cause him the slightest inconvenience. Another swing of the leg turned out to be unsuccessful for Denis: Punya grabbed him for the ankle and drew him closer to him. Denis turned in his hand, like a worm on a hook, trying to escape and promising "now fight seriously, now he was angry specifically."

The next happened in a few seconds. Puna pushed the hanging and mating Denis with his foot into the abdominal area from the bottom up. From the blow Denis flew into the air and crumbled into dust, immediately ceasing to scream. But his leg remained in the hand of Puni, who immediately struck him another similar blow. This is how the dog pins, this is a good comparison. After the first fall, Denis fell into dust, and therefore, starting from the second blow from Denis, dust flew in all directions, like from the carpet, which is knocked out in the spring. The Boom! The Hat. The Boom! The Hat.

I think Denis had enough of the first blow, and Puniya put them 5-6, and then let go of his leg. Denis, squeezing and coughing, slowly slipped to the side, he could not get up. Puna silently turned and went home.

Puni’s last victim was Misha. He was tall, strong, dumb—he apparently thought that what happened to Denis didn’t matter to him. I don’t know the cause of the conflict, I’ve only seen a fight. Misha hit Puny only once, after which Punyah pressed him to the wall with his body (his weight was at that time twice as much as that of the tall and strong Misha) and began to beat the immobile enemy. I just melted my fists and elbows wherever I could. I would have had one such stroke to go into the knock-out, but Misha was a strong guy and Puna hammered him for about a minute, after which he turned and left, and Misha slipped to the floor, more like a well-beaten knock-off.

Of course, such hooligans could no longer endure, and therefore Pune announced the verdict:
After school you are fucking.

But Punya decided not to wait for it to end, because fighting with 10-12 people is immediately unprofitable, and the people there were very weak, just a fight could not be done. So he quietly left the last lesson, and at the end of the lesson came with his dad and uncle. Three of them stood in the corridor like similar triangles, covering two windows and thus creating a light half-darkness.

A phone call. Students came out of the class, Puniya stood near the door, carefully turned the next hooligan in the right direction and lightly pushed in the arms of relatives. This to Daddy, this to Uncle, this again to Daddy. Dad and uncle laid each one’s hand on the shoulder, moved closer to each other and quietly asked some question, after which each copper furiously shrugged his head, staring around. After that, he was released with some guidance.

No more touches.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna