— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I explain:

Explain to me, dear girls/women/old women, why have I never been asked to give up my seat in transportation for almost forty years, even though I don’t look like an aggressive fighter or a sick man? Will the crown fall? Or do decent girls not start the conversation first? Or is it not that you need to sit? And when you give up a place on your own initiative, they sit down, although not always. They never asked for.

- No matter how you look, your essence is not written on your forehead, and it is not a hunt for anyone to take the risk of rushing to the ham. Moreover, the educated person is most likely to offer himself, and once he sits quietly - the chance of gross rejection increases. Therefore, many girls / women / grandmothers prefer to stand for half an hour, if not quite hard, than to test your aggressiveness. The nerves are more expensive.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna