— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Somehow it happened that most of my friends were born in the Soviet Union, but gradually moved around the globe. Take Anush for example. She was born and graduated from school in Yerevan, entered Leningrad University and became Anai. After graduation, she married an Englishman and moved to his homeland. Now her name is Anne. Anne lives in a tiny town in Gloucester County, right next to the famous Royal Dean Forest. She has a good apartment, enough money not for a luxurious, but absolutely decent life, her son has already graduated from college and lives separately. It would seem like you could rest a little and relax. Peace is only dreaming. A few years ago, her mother died in Yerevan, and Anne took her father to her home. He was under 90 and could not stay alone. In a distant England, a father, of course, feels like a fish pulled out of the water. But suffering is stoic and tries not to complain. He reads Armenian news on the Internet, looks at Russian channels on television. Even in a bad mood, not Anne, but the Turks and Azerbaijanis are outraged. It goes badly, but enjoys going out in nature. After stony Armenia, green England seems to him a paradise.

On that day, Anne routinely took her father to the forest to breathe the air, put him on a bench, and went to pick up things from the cleaner. He arrives in half an hour, but his father is not there. I walked into the woods and cried out, my father is not there. What to do? Called the police. The police said, “Don’t worry, we’ll come.
They arrived. They walked through the woods, shouting, “Father is not there.”
“Well,” they say, “we’ll call the kinologist now, and you’ll go home and bring some of his shoes so that the dog can take the trace.
When Anne returned, the filmologist was already there. It turned out to be a young cute lady that you can see at in my Live Journal. While the dog was studying the shoe, one of the policemen ringed the phone. At the end of the conversation, he hurried to please Anne:
“I found you,” said your father. A lady brought him to a local nursing home. She saw the lonely old man, decided that he was lost and brought him. They see that he is a stranger. So they called the police.

Anne went to the elderly house. My father sat in the dining room and drinking English tea with milk. Anne was so glad to see him unharmed that she even cried. Then I began to read:
How did you get into the car with an unfamiliar woman? You saw that it wasn’t me! Your vision is good. How were you going to communicate with her? You can’t even say the address in English! Dad, what did you think of?? to
The father glanced at Anne and said in Armenian:
“Anush, child, what can a man think of when a woman calls him into his car? I was hoping for an adventure.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna