— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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A couple of years worked in the cellular communication salon in Snežinsk. Especially remembered one good grandfather, who was constantly going to "consult". One day he came and said that if I could help him, he would thank me. What was the question I don't remember, but after I helped him, he asked to wait a little. Since there was a liquor and vodka department nearby, and it wasn’t long before the store closed, I was already mentally going home with a bottle of hollow beer. However, the grandfather came up with a cellophane package of audio cassettes (of the times when the hits were still called шляger). I laughed a little, but the cassettes from politeness decided to take what grandfather said:

Thank you very much! Write these cassettes and I’ll take them later.

It is not you on the wall in contact to throw off)) More grateful customers I will not remember now, a good grandfather was.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna