— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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It just happened. An employee enters the office and says that next to our building at the intersection sits a “thin” man with two dogs. Looking out the window, he really sits, almost on the road, with two French bulldogs. After reading Picaba as passers do not pay attention to those who are bad, thinking that they are drunk, decided to check - suddenly this person is bad.

Man was well. So good that it is bad. He did not react to anything at all. In his hand he held a bag in which the phone was broken. The dogs obviously wanted to drink while sitting on the sunrise. I took a bag from a man’s hand. In the package was a bottle of vodka, a snack, home keys and a phone. At that moment, the incoming call was interrupted. Looking at the list of calls, you can see that an infinite every minute called a son and a woman. She called from her phone to her son, as there were no funds on the man's phone, and explained the situation. The son asked where we were and asked to wait for him. I arrived in the car quickly.

As I realized, the man argued with his wife and decided to get drunk. Apparently, he did not count his strength and went to camotose. The family went crazy and searched for him all over the city.

Sometimes even drunk people need our help.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna