— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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My parents have many friends, scattered by the unpredictable fate of the Soviet scientist around the world. Accordingly, we see them rarely and often on important occasions such as weddings, births, funerals.

Recently, a friend of my mom calls, whose communication is reduced to exchanging photos on viber and meetings once every two years, and suddenly asks me to the phone.

How is life young? Cuddling is fun.

“Well, okay,” I replied, “do you have anything new there?

- You imagine, our Max finally decided to get married, - being in a natural euphoria, says Mom's friend, - you are... now how, free?

- Well, for such an occasion, - having infected her with the joy of her son, - set a date, and we will fly!

We talked a little more with her, choked over the memories of our childhood with this Max (in fact, when I last saw him).

Carelessly returning the phone to my mom, I went to business, having a good mood for the whole day. Now there was a lot of fun troubles - buying a gift for the wedding of a friend of childhood, asking for holidays at work, travel itself...

Are you in your mind? My mother asked me a question.

What happened?

How did this come to your mind? ! to

So what? ! to

By phone agree to marry Max, whom you have not seen for ten years!

It turns out, my mom’s friend was asking me if I was free now, a little different meaning.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna