— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 24 - ]
Discussion on the news hub that in the basement of a former NASA employee found a computer of the 1960s:

by 111:
I wonder how they got into the basement if they can’t be pulled out. At the stage of construction?
Are they capable of working?

by 222:
Most likely they got into the basement through a partial dismantling of the structures of the house (roofs/coverings or walls), and do the same to get them back, most likely, the current owners do not want.

and 333:
Very simply, by removing the modules from the chassis, dragging into the house separately and assembling back. This is almost a standard 19/21 inch design.

by 444:
Why can’t we pull it out the same way?

by 555:
because the engineer "starper" took, and found fashionable modern hipsters.
There is nothing in their moles about assembly.

by 666:
It’s hard to wear something when your hand is busy.

by 777:
Driving on a gyroscope is uncomfortable.

by 888:
Spinner is constantly distracting.

by 999:
Therefore, it is better to take a photography session on the locograph.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna