— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Just happened.

Patients of the sea. Here, “to my joy,” I am sent outside the line, a blatant patient with tight ties, who can open the doors almost everywhere. But as I said earlier, there are a lot of patients, and I am all impatient, every 10 minutes distracting. And here, his turn comes, but instead of him, we take a severe resuscitation patient, and as expected, there is a reaction, say how much to wait, he rushes, and in general, do I know whose relative he is?! I was immediately scared, so I had to ask. Having received in response the name of one extremely weighty and respected person, silently got the phone, picked it up and outlined a situation where his name is used quite ugly, as he would not personally allow himself. This man has been my patient for several years and we know each other well. Should I tell you how hard it was after that...

It is easy to ignore not only your own name, but also the name of others.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna