— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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One day my younger brother and I visited. Somewhere at 1 p.m. we all wanted to eat together and broke out three packs of board in our wonderful shared refrigerator. have swallowed. The guys wrapped their portions around the cheeks, but I, not being a fan of such a high kitchen, lazyly forged the bowl with a fork. When I saw that the young man’s plate was empty and he looked at my bowl with hungry eyes, I offered him a dish.

Go here, he was delighted.

However, the plate from my outstretched hand was ripped off by my faithful. He placed her on the table, frightenedly wrapped her hand, and the evil struck her brother.

“Well, don’t touch it,” angrily clouded his eyebrows, he said. This is my wife and I always follow her. Take your wife and follow her.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna