— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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When I was young, I was the one who is now called a hoodie. A lot of incitement to the militia, fought almost every day, once miraculously did not sit (the chauvin came out of the coma and gave testimony that the other cut him). Then he grew up, met a real girl, now the son is studying at the institute, and the daughter is soon graduating from school.
I am all that for. If I had a volley then (and I had so dreamed of it), I would at best have been released not so long ago, and in the worst... the cemetery administration, due to the abandonment of the tomb and after 20 years from the date of burial, would have given permission for new burials in the place of my grave and there would be no trace of my stay in this best of worlds.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna