— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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My father told me the story. Somewhere in the 80s he sold TVs. One day my grandfather came. In the costume, in the glasses. began to choose. He approaches one telephone and with a clever look says, "and bring another like that." The father is already unable to remember what the grandfather complained about, but definitely about the puppy, which the television does not have. He decided to conduct an experiment out of curiosity. I took the TV and took it to the warehouse. He smoked a couple of minutes, took the same telecome, put it in a box, carried back. It puts, makes the type look something adjusts, makes the type the primary adjustment (although it actually puts everything on the same scores). The grandfather looked at it and said, “I don’t like this. Something is wrong with him.” He complains about another indicator. Okay, the father again takes away, in a couple of minutes comes back with the same - now the grandfather doesn't like something yet. The father did not say anything, did not blame, did not blame. He was already just curious about what would happen next and he was obediently running with the same television. And he doesn’t remember exactly when, the grandfather finally cried out: WO!!! What is needed. This is my direct. Take it!! to

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna