— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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>>I recommend you go to a good doctor.

A citizen who advises doctors. You seem to know little about modern trends in psychotherapy. I will tell you from my example. Two months ago, for reasons of panic attacks, I had to visit several meetings with a fairly serious psychotherapist. This is not only for non-dedicated people to talk in a quiet voice about what problems you had in childhood (a psychologist), but also not to treat a serious personality disorder (a psychiatrist). This is a doctor - with appointments, prescriptions, therapies. So, for a number of reasons, we talked about the third person who was sentenced - the infant. Why did the doctor call a man infantile? The doctor explained to me calmly and in detail - neither cartoons, nor interests, nor games make a person an infant. The infantry of a person makes a low level of responsibility for his actions and his life, transferring the blame on others, priorities as in children - to spend ALL money on a toy, including the money of a husband/wife, for example.

Come, dear, yourself at that address, be surprised, I think.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna