— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The story of a "pseudo-Italian" in an Italian clothes store inspired memories.

We studied in the graduation class then. Together with a friend, I headed a school radio station. Once with the guys decided after the change to break some lesson not interesting for us and stay in the radio node. Listen to music and so on. Suddenly someone spoke about a new teacher from a parallel class. She was really cute. And she looked very young right after finishing the pedinstudy. Almost yesterday’s school. I took the initiative and started talking about it myself. To be honest, I didn’t want anyone to say anything unpleasant about her. I thought she was a normal girl. So I decided to set the tone of conversation, so to speak. She said she is beautiful, her face is very pleasant. The eyes are smart, and that’s really great. And her figure is great. She has a higher education. What a good thing to say there...

On these words, a physical education teacher breaks into the radio tape with his eyes opened and ferociously gestures! Oh my! I forgot to turn off the microphone and the equipment. And the whole school in complete silence instead of the lesson listened to us.

I was very uncomfortable afterwards. I did not find a place for myself. But one of the teachers, who was already over 30 at the time, an experienced and wise woman, thanking her, by the way, for this huge, reassured me: "Don't get sick! You said nothing bad about her. Even the opposite - such a advertisement made her ;-) But the apparatus should be watched better!!"

And the girl herself and really afterwards looked at me with a smile and some interest. But I was too young and very embarrassed.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna