— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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When my mother was pregnant with me, ultrasound was done only for medical reasons and not all, so they sat down and decided that they would give birth to Andrew, a father's assistant and a mother's support. My mother went to give birth to me, my father went to the factory. At lunch came to the country (from the factory 1.5 km) and while my grandmother was cooking, he decided to cut wood. Next from the words of the grandmother: comes ZIL with the factory and they talk on the phone called, the daughter was born, such a weight, height. I run to my son, I say a girl, a girl is born, everything is fine! And he stood upright, silently with a column, and shrugged the pine with the pine on which he had cut up to half opened.)) Now when I recall this case, the folder smiles and says that he’s so crazy of happiness, ah.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna