— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I work in school, but life was so that in the summer I had to work as a maid in a hotel (I live in a city where the maid gets more in the summer than the teacher). I wanted to write a post about this interesting experience, and here is a wave of tea. I will also put my five copies. I personally believe that leaving a cupcake in expensive hotels is not a necessity at all, there is already normal money for the service, but we are all people, and the cupcake can not but please :) But my story about that is not in money happiness. I drove the car of the room service along the corridor, as suddenly one room opened the door. Carefully looking around, from there, a little boy with ninja spots advanced, assessed the situation and broke into the direction of the restaurant. I looked into the room, and there was an older ninja brother sitting there, all passionate about cartoons. Together we brought the fugitive back to the room, and the elder was very scared, apparently imagining the lilies that could have been obtained. Mindfully condemned parents who leave children 8 and 3 years without supervision in the hotel (papa and mom went to the vineyards, but did not ask the hotel for the supervision of the children, although this is practiced), condemned, and forgot. A day later, in the same place, I was carried by the older brother of the shell-pop young man. Hungry on the sides, he bragged that I was very helpful to him, and he knows that it is customary to give a cup, but he has no money, stayed at home in the bowl, "and here." On that note he handed me surprise:) I refused, but he was relentless. And you know, this summer I had a cash equivalent of 500 to 5000 rubles, but the kidder warms my heart to this day. P.S Instead of a toy, there was a puzzle.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna