— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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And the gold stamping and the faceless silver - looking aesthetically the same, but the gold even in the lombard can be placed or sold, and the silver has not fallen to anyone.

Look at the catalogs of conventional jewelry factories. Gold will almost always be much more classic, faceless and boring design than silver. Tell me why? The factory cannot afford to experiment with gold. Do something not as usual, the product will depend on the sale, there will be unnecessary losses. With silver, you can also "fight", because it is not so expensive. In summary, cheap gold is purchased either in fact by the lombard, without the difference in price between the product and the piece, or by completely unpretentious people. The main thing is to show that "we can afford GOLD"! Silver things can be picked up quite interesting, if you set a goal and scratch in online stores. No, you can carry your gold for health if you love it, but leave those who love silver alone. We are not poorer than you, we are just the taste of others.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna