— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The convenience of golden bracelets for the "maschikovich" is in the facelessness. This donation is a given box "spent money". He will not get along with Nura, he will then give the same bracelet to Marus, he will not get along with Marusai - he will take it and pass it on to Svetka... Since this bracelet is not intended for either of them, any of them will be suitable for the bracelet. There is no dragon. If you love Anya, learn that Anya loves dragons, make for Anya a dragon... even if by a tragic coincidence you suddenly break up, it will be a dragon for Anya and no one else. Because Marusya no longer loves dragons and bowls, but ponies and bajdars, and Light - the cosmonauts of imperial strike jets and the Italian editions of Dante. The dragon is given only to the beloved and the only one, only for the sake of such a man and will become frozen, and the universal golden bracelet - easily replaced female individual - 1 piece.
Well, and banally - women in our time quite earn and the most suitable bracelet will choose and buy themselves. Clothes or perfumes. But the dragon is just a gift that you won’t get in the store.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna