— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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My son (3 years old) started going to the kindergarten. Like many children, when you leave it there, it grows.
I come home in the evening – the wife lies on the couch with the book, the son runs next to him. I sit on the couch, take it on my arms, ask how the day has gone. The further dialogue:
I: Did you like the garden today?
R: I liked it.
Do you go to the garden tomorrow?
R: I will go.
I: Will you not cry?
R: I will not.

I bite my wife on my foot. She leaves the book:
J: What about you?
I: How is it at work?
J is normal.
Do you go to work tomorrow?
J: I will go, of course.
I (with a serious look): Will you not cry?
and no 😉

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna