— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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OHH: I know a little about the fecal tests. On the other hand, when you give the kakao to the coprogram, there in the results you are written in addition to other parameters that the kakao is of a color, consistency and has the following smell. I saw the result for the first time, so I immediately imagined myself alive: a laboratory worker (usually a girl) is sitting, a girl with a test tube in her hand is sitting, looks through the analysis to the light, then swirls with patterned flowers, draws a smell with her nostrils, and then, meanwhile, writes impressions.
I even figured out the name for this laborant: calcule.
XHH: In general, when it seems to me that I am dealing with some kind of shit, I immediately think of the shark, and somehow the norm becomes.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna