— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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In the spring, the shrubs of sirens were planted in the yard. Seven or eight. Normally there were three, one neither there nor here, the rest, apparently, were dead in advance.

At the end of the summer, a strong wind broke the old tree. Immediately representatives of the company-greener came, peeled all the trees to the state of the telegraph columns, the peeled left on the bushes, including one of the survivors, and not exported for a week.

A week later they were taken out and suddenly found out that the bush, overwhelmed with spleen, died. They dug it, brought it and planted a new one. For a week they were absent, returned and found for themselves those bushes that did not survive. They digged, they left.

Here is the direct question, is this some sort of clever plan, or is it GMO-greenery with the genome of duttles?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna