— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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People who go to work every day often ask:
“How do you, retirees, spend the day killing time?”
For example, yesterday, Saturday, my wife and I went to the city for shopping. We went to a huge shopping center, went around almost all the shops, bought something and gathered home.
As we walked out of the last shop to the parking lot, we saw a police officer issuing a fine for excess parking time. Polite, with a smile, I asked him if he could tolerate two retirees and not write out a fine. Without any reaction to my request, he placed the receipt of the fine under the doorstep on the front glass.
It pulled me out of myself, and I called it an impasse. 
He looked at me with nothing expressive and wrote out another penalty for the wheels down, putting it under the first.
My wife has already intervened. People who know her know - if she starts, it is very difficult to stop her. 
After a short verbal interruption, she told him that he was... for which a third fine was issued.
The more we insulted him, the more fines he issued. 
The whole process lasted ten minutes... 
Then our bus arrived and we went home.
We did not regret the owner of the car, as the sticker "Down Israel" was glued on the rear glass. I support Hamas.”
Oh yeah... 
At our age, it is very important to find various entertainment - we are retired and we have a lot of free time.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna