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How does science work?
The science of a healthy person works as follows:
Science does not tell us the truth, science builds an approximate model of the world that is as similar as possible to what we can observe, and which allows us to predict certain phenomena as well as possible.
A non-replicable phenomenon is a consequence of the imperfection of the scientific theory, and/or unknown side factors that influenced the experiment.
Fact (by definition) is recognized some empirical knowledge, which is unambiguous and verifiable (i.e. allowing it to be verified). The fact is not synonymous with the truth, but, when proven, it is usually not questioned.
The criterion of scientific knowledge (hypothesis, opinion), which is the criterion of falsification, is as follows: such and only such a statement is recognized as scientific, for which it is possible to formulate an experiment that refutes it.
For example, if we assume that the Flying Pasta Monster brutally punishes anyone who disregards spaghetti, then even after the experimentator has publicly dealt with the need for spaghetti, but nothing will happen to him, it cannot be said with certainty that the cruel punishment is not something we cannot know about, or that the Flying Pasta Monster did not make this time an exception to hide from us his presence. Thus, a respectful attitude toward spaghetti is a matter of conscience for every reasonable person, but not science.

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