— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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This "sufficiency-attention" does not cause associations. Here only give girls still not "adequate-careful", and thus "macho". There was a girl who was given a handmade dragon by an “adequately-careful” guy. Everyone wrote out what an untouched gift this guy made, but wildly bleached in response to the question, "Did you give him after that or the guy was in vain?" Do you think why? Because I did not give, and I did not intend. It is on the words of the girls looking for attentive, adequate, understanding, etc. These are only words that are worth nothing, listening to them is more expensive. Actually everything is different.

Well you are a fool... But this is for the best, as long as you do, you can also find a good girl (although, which of you is a competitor...)))
The couple with the dragon and before that everything was fine, there are normal people, they have sex as desired, not for a gift.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna